The word “spiritual” can be used in many ways. We understand spiritual life as each person’s unique experience of a power beyond himself or herself, a sense of order in the universe, a sense of purpose in living, and a sense of connection with everything. Spirituality also includes the organizing set of beliefs, values, hopes, and yearnings, by which each person makes sense of the frequently chaotic elements of life.
At Promise Hospice we believe that all people are spiritual, regardless of their specific religious affiliation or devotion. We believe that the spiritual life is most directly expressed and experienced in human connection, and that spiritual concerns are intertwined with every facet of our lives.
During times of upheaval and change in life, we all may experience of deep doubt and questioning. We may feel uprooted, set adrift, and utterly alone. Sometimes we respond with deep sadness, other times with numb silence, and still other times with rapid activity and an effort to prove to ourselves that we are still in control.
At this time of pending loss, you may be asking “Why me?” or “Where is God?” or “Why do good people like my friend suffer so much?” or “What will I leave behind as a memory of myself?” Beliefs that once made sense and sustained you no longer seem valid.
These experiences, if left unattended, can have long-standing effects on well-being. We at Promise Hospice are prepared to assist you and your loved ones as you seek to restore and rediscover a vibrant spiritual life.
Promise Hospice provides a variety of programs for Spiritual Care, which can include the following: